
JSON encoding and decoding class for APEX (Salesforce)

uJson: An APEX class for working with JSON

Thanks to Hurricane Irene there was nowhere to go on Saturday night.
Thus i forced myself to do something productive and tackle something on my list.
So I whipped this out in about 6 hours so please be kind with your comments & bugs.

If you have any suggestions for improvements please lmk. Thanks and enjoy!

Why uJson?

  • Very simple and easy to use JSON class
  • Needed to reduce the number of script statments when processing JSON
  • Hurricane Irene thwarted my saturday night plans

How to Use It

uJson stores all values as uJson objects and both the put & get methods return a uJson object.

// Create some JSON  
uJson j = new uJson()  
    .put('name', 'ryan')  
    .put('isCool', false);  
String myJson = j.toJson();

// Retrieving Values
//   You can use either the val property or method on a uJson object.
//   Both return an Object so you will have to cast it
String name1 = (String) j.get('name').val;
String name2 = (String) j.val('name');

// Parsing JSON
j = new uJson('{"name": "Joe"}');
String name3 = (String) j.val('name');