Tutorial for BotCon Africa 2016
Three toy problems for my presentation at BotCon2016
You'll need to install python 2.7
You can pip install
the following packages:
- jupyter
- gensim
- nltk
- theano
- keras
or you can simply run
python setup.py install
The wikipedia rock data can be downloaded from:
- https://github.com/jaderabbit/WikiRockWord2Vec
- The actual wikipedia rock corpus can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4lJ7jGbpwlyQlNma3B4NEhlNUU
These should be placed in a /data directory
The 3 Tasks
- NLTK Parts of Speech Tagger - http://stackoverflow.com/a/526485/2282248
- Music Recommendation System - http://byterot.blogspot.co.za/2015/07/daft-punk-tool-muse-word2vec-model-trained-36K-rock-music-corpus-wiki-NLP-gensim.html
- A Virtual Nietzsche - http://machinelearningmastery.com/text-generation-lstm-recurrent-neural-networks-python-keras/