
Activities from Computer Architecture, all in C.

Primary LanguageC

Jadi Miller's CS230 Portfolio

Ball State's CS230: Exploration of computer organization and architecture. Topics include: computers’ functional components and their characteristics, performance, and interactions; instruction set architectures; and system architecture.

Activity Name Name & Link Description
C Basics Backwards Message A program that gets a message from the user and then prints it out backwards. For example, if the user enters the text: Now, the program outputs: woN
C Basics Random Dice Roll A program that simulates dice rolling. It starts by outputing a random number between 1 and 6, then asks if the user wants to roll again by inputting the letter y. Any other input should terminate the program.
C Basics Hangman A basic hangman game. There are a limited number of times the user can give a wrong answer.
C Basics Name and Length of Name A program that asks the user their name and outputs a welcoming message including his name and the number of letters in his name.
C Basics Random Food Generator A program with an array of strings of size 5. Each index of the array holds the name of a different food. Every time the program is executed, a random food from the array must be output.
C Basics Random Number Generator A program that generates and displays n random numbers between 0 and 1, where n is a number input by the user.
C Basics Separate Names A program that allows the user to input his or her first and last name together and outputs them separately.
C Basics Sorting 3 Integers A program in which the main function prompts for and reads three integers, and then calls a sort function passing the three integers. The sort function displays the three values in ascending order.
C Basics Sum of 2 Integers A program that asks the user two numbers and outputs a message with their sum.
C Basics Who is Older? A program that lets the user input the name and age of two persons. The program should output the name of the oldest.