title type duration creator
Creating Classes
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Alan Caceres

Working with Interfaces and Abstract Classes

Starter code

There is no starter code. Create a new project in IntelliJ for this lab


Note: This can be a pair programming activity or done independently.

In this lab you will be using your knowledge of classes, subclassing, interface and abstract class creation and implementation to create a few classes that will be used in the main method.

This looks like a lot. It is, but it is a lot of repetition.



Abstract Class
  • Create an abstract class called Remote.

  • Give the abstract class the property needsBatteries and supportsUsb.

  • Create a constructor that accepts parameters to set the properties you just created.

  • Create getters and setters for the properties.

  • Declare the following abstract methods, channelUp, channelDown, volumeUp, volumeDown; they all take no parameters and return nothing.

  • Implement powerButtonPressed that does not take any parameters and just prints out that the power button was pressed.

  • Implement numberButtonPressed, that takes in an int parameter and appends/concatenates the int parameter to the String "Changing channel to " then prints it out to the terminal.

  • Create an interface class named WaterProof.

  • Inside this class, declare a method isWaterProof. What do you think it should return?

  • Create an interface class named Rechargeable.

  • Inside this class, declare a method isRechargeable. What do you think it should return?

  • Create an interface class named Universal.

  • Inside this class, declare a method supportsBrands. It should return nothing.

Concrete Class
  • Create three concrete classes that extends the abstract class Remote, name the concrete class one of your favorite brands. (Samsung, LG, Panasonic, Sony, etc.)

  • Implement the methods you declared in the Remote abstract class which are required to be implemented in each concrete class.

  • Make sure the implementations output something different for each concrete class.

  • Implement the WaterProof, Rechargeable, and Universal interfaces.

  • Implement the methods defined by those interfaces. You can choose what to do, but at the minimum print something out to the terminal.

Main Java Class
  • Create a List of Remote objects.

  • Populate the List of Remote objects with new instances of the concrete classes you created.

  • Create a loop that loops as many times as there are items in the List of Remote objects. (You choose the kind of loop)

  • Inside the loop call the numberButtonPressed method on each object and pass it the current iteration value of the loop.

  • Inside the loop call the channelUp, channelDown, volumeUp, volumeDown methods on each object.


  • Create 3 more concrete classes that extend Remote and use them in the loop.

  • Create another interface, FingerPrintScanner, and declare a method startScan that accepts a String parameter.

  • In your classes, implement logic for the startScan method that will let you use the remote only when the correct input is given.


Pull request from forked Project on GitHub that contains your implementation of the Remote abstract class, the WaterProof, Rechargeable, and Universal interface classes, and the main program that uses the classes you created.

Additional Resources