
An UpLeveled project: online shop built with Next.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Next.js E-commerce Store

This is an Upleveled bootcamp project: build a (mockup) e-commerce store

products overview page


  • Next.js
  • Emotion for CSS-in-JSX
  • Postgres migrations for the database
  • Jest-Puppeteer for unit and end-to-end testing
  • Heroku for the deployment

Assignment description

  • products page with links to all the products, using dynamic routing

  • page for each single product with an 'add to cart' button and quantity input

  • cart page showing the product names and prices of the added items with the option to delete them. Plus, a total price and checkout button

  • checkout page showing the total, asking for (required) shipping and payment info, and a 'confirm order' button

  • thankyou page

  • a header showing the amount of items in the cart

  • use cookies to store cart information

  • write some pages/components in TypeScript

  • create a postgreSQL database and table(s)

  • write unit tests and E2E tests

Setup instructions

Clone the repository and install all dependencies

git clone https://github.com/jae-kat/ecommerce-mockup
cd ecommerce-mockup

Setup a database with postgres on your computer:

psql <login>
CREATE DATABASE <database name>;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE <database name> TO <user name>;

Create a .env file with the info the database needs: look at the .env.example file to see what info you have to provide

Use migrations: yarn migrate up

Deployment instructions

Create an account on Heroku. Create a new app and connect to your Github repository, enable automatic deploys. In the overview tab click 'Configure Add-On': select "Heroku Postgres"

mobile screen product page cart page