Next.js Progressive Web App
This final project for my Web Development Bootcamp was built with Next.js. I used GraphQL for the API routes and PostgreSQL for the database. It includes user authentication and authorization.
Users register with their e-mail address, choose a profile picture, and have to select a number of pre-defined activities they enjoy. Based on their choices they will be matched with other users with similar interests. They can then start small group chats (max. 6 people) with their matches.
- Next.js
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- CSS (Emotion)
- PostgreSQL
- Apollo GraphQL (server and client)
- Jest-Puppeteer for end-to-end testing
- Deployment on Heroku
- Ably for the chat functionality
- Next-PWA to make it a Progressive Web App
The PWA was made mobile-first, and then responsive to larger devices.