
:crystal_ball: MAIN MONOREPO :crystal_ball: all new code, issues, and pull requests goes here

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


Continuous Integration (JavaScript) Continuous Integration (Rust)

Shipit NPM Publisher Dockerfile Builder

Quick start

git clone --depth=100 git@github.com:adeira/universe.git
cd universe
corepack enable

chmod +x ./x
./x install
./x --help

Please note: you have to use Yarn. It won't work with NPM!

What now? There are many projects under src/ and all of them are tested and linted together (with many monorepo optimizations). You can try to run all the checks using our executor:


It runs only the necessary checks based on what changed last. This monorepo is divided into many workspaces. You can access commands of each workspace like so:

yarn workspace @adeira/sx-design storybook

Specific workspace names can be found in individual package.json files of each workspace.

Do you need some help? Feel free to ask. :)