- 1
[Bug]: mismatched parameters
#615 opened by sklaski - 0
[Bug]: `config.Configuration.InitGlobalTracer` panics if `http.DefaultTransport` is not a `*http.Transport`
#616 opened by colega - 1
[Bug]: Performance impact of sprintf
#613 opened by scobrown - 0
- 0
[Bug]: writeField5 panic
#610 opened by yaolinger - 0
sampler logger is NullLogger
#608 opened by tttoad - 0
Suggest to support zipkin mode (and additional baggage prefix) from environment variable
#602 opened by johnzheng1975 - 1
make install always downloads linux version of 'dep'
#598 opened by Dentrax - 0
Connecting jaegertracing-client-go from WSL2
#600 opened by isogram - 0
- 0
- 10
Span lost in tracegen
#569 opened by judyQD - 1
Probabilistic sampler causes trace collisions
#582 opened by vprithvi - 0
codahale/hdrhistogram has transferred it's repo
#593 opened by UnderTreeTech - 8
- 2
- 1
Are there any plans to support secured client communication towards the agent?
#564 opened by tejaswiniVadlamudi - 0
https support in go client
#545 opened by priyamaplelabs - 2
FOSSA check is not actually running
#551 opened by yurishkuro - 0
Migrate CI to GitHub Actions
#554 opened by yurishkuro - 0
- 1
use structured logs for error to flush message
#523 opened by jeffbean - 0
- 0
Flaky code coverage
#531 opened by yurishkuro - 2
Race condition in RemotelyControlledSampler
#514 opened by hummerd - 3
Errors you may encounter when upgrading the library
#519 opened by KateGo520 - 1
goruntine in trace panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
#497 opened by hhy5861 - 6
SelfRef, Trace & Span IDs representation
#510 opened by IurmanJ - 5
128 bit mode should be default
#604 opened by wbl - 2
A Questions about sampling rate
#599 opened by wangpu666 - 1
Issue found by Svace static analyzer
#588 opened by vvdvortsova - 1
use of internal package not allowed
#558 opened by zen0fpy - 4
Import of "testing" package
#585 opened by aaronbee - 1
Security vulnerability has been reported against 0.10.0 version of thrift vendored into project.
#546 opened by bd123405 - 1
- 8
go get v2.26.0 checksum mismatch
#576 opened by bygui86 - 1
HTTP Transport sender sends in batches of 1
#570 opened by raidancampbell - 10
Out of memory on binary extract
#557 opened by julienmathevet - 2
New release 2.26
#572 opened by yurishkuro - 9
No traces ending up in Jaeger (via jaeger-client-go) running inside of minikube
#559 opened by MKruger777 - 1
DATA RACE : span.context overwritten in span.SetBaggageItem() without any guards
#526 opened by keer25 - 5
Is this a bug or a design problem for sampling!
#540 opened by congim - 0
codahale/hdrhistogram repo url has been transferred under the github HdrHstogram umbrella
#536 opened by filipecosta90 - 3
how transfer trace info with http client?
#538 opened by congim - 8
- 2
TraceID stringer prefix zeroes
#532 opened by lukedirtwalker - 3
Go 1.15: TestThriftSpanLogs errors
#524 opened by eclipseo - 1
Doc: add a clearly visible note to create a cfg via FromEnv() if env vars should be active to the readme
#517 opened by Lercher - 0
Improving client observability using logs
#501 opened by vprithvi - 7
Spans logged to stdout are completely opaque.
#499 opened by thedodd