
Official implementation of depth from focus using the ring difference filter (RDF)

Primary LanguageC++

Depth from Focus using Ring Difference Filter (RDF)

| Paper (CVPR - spotlight) | Paper (TIP) | Project Page + Video |

Official implementation of "Noise Robust Depth from Focus using a Ring Difference Filter" (CVPR 2017) and "Ring Difference Filter for Fast and Noise Robust Depth From Focus " (TIP 2019).

Note: This code was used for the quantitative analysis in the paper (bokeh detection, unreliable depth rejection, and tree propagation are not included)

  • Usage:

    • run demo.m for an example run on the Buddha set
    • set use_rdf_agg to false for CVPR version or to true
     [rdf_labels, im_all_in_focus] = RDF_DFF(pathval, regexp, i_start, numimg, 
     show_fig, resize, use_parallel, use_rdf_agg, use_fast_jwmf, saveimg)
     % Inputs:
     %     pathval:            (str)   path to input image set
     %     regexp:             (str)   format of image naming
     %     i_start:            (int)   path to input image set
     %     numimg:             (int)   number of images
     %     show_fig:           (bool)  [default: true]  switch to render intermediate figures
     %     resize:             (float) [default: 0.5]   factor to resize image for aligning images
     %     use_parallel:       (bool)  [default: true]  switch to use parallel processing (need toolbox)
     %     use_rdf_agg:        (bool)  [default: false] switch to use RDF-based aggregation
     %     use_fast_jwmf:      (bool)  [default: false] switch to use fast weighted median filtering for end
     %     saveimg:            (bool)  [default: false] switch to save intermediate images during alignment
     % Outputs:
     %     rdf_labels:         (matrix of double) 
     %     im_all_in_focus:    (image in double)