
NoneType' object has no attribute 'cluster_annotations'

irsa890 opened this issue · 2 comments

I am getting error in LIDC-IDRI preprocessing
~\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_11144\2002799093.py in prepare_dataset(self)
141 for patient in tqdm(self.IDRI_list):
--> 142 pid = LIDC-IDRI-0x17
143 scan = pl.query(pl.Scan).filter(pl.Scan.patient_id == pid).first()
144 nodules_annotation = scan.cluster_annotations()

if I am writing pid= patient
then getting error
~\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_11144\2591889043.py in prepare_dataset(self)
142 pid = patient
143 scan = pl.query(pl.Scan).filter(pl.Scan.patient_id == pid).first()
--> 144 nodules_annotation = scan.cluster_annotations()
145 vol = scan.to_volume()
146 print("Patient ID: {} Dicom Shape: {} Number of Annotated Nodules: {}".format(pid,vol.shape,len(nodules_annotation)))

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'cluster_annotations'

In the LIDC-IDRI folder (your data) there is something wrong like the license file. you should delete it.

Please check if you set pylidc.conf in C:Users[User]pylidc.conf. Secondly, check if the files under LIDC-IDRI-Preprocessing\LIDC-IDRI are LIDC-IDRI-xxxx.