This is the preprocessing step of the LIDC-IDRI dataset
Jupyter Notebook
- 0
- 7
RuntimeError: Could not establish path to dicom files. Have you specified the `path` option in the configuration file C:\Users\rahul\pylidc.conf?
#14 opened by Dhruv-Singhh - 0
- 0
- 8
#5 opened by macwolfz - 2
- 1
OSError: Couldn't find DICOM files for Scan(id=12,patient_id=LIDC-IDRI-0001).
#18 opened by Pollob001 - 0
- 0
I can't produce all files in 'data' folder
#19 opened by Yumonor - 4
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'data\\Clean\\Image\\LIDC-IDRI-0100\\LIDC-IDRI-0100\\0100_CN001_slice000.npy'
#10 opened by oqlaalrefai - 1
Issue in LIDC-IDRI-Segmentation
#17 opened by sarahchandran - 0
#16 opened by adnana-dev - 15
- 1
Installation help
#15 opened by aa-magic - 1
problem in running the code
#9 opened by oqlaalrefai - 2
- 1
Error saving clean dataset
#12 opened by arnaldododo - 1
#11 opened by oqlaalrefai - 0
Error running prepare_dataset
#8 opened by chiyuhuan - 1
How many classes
#7 opened by harsharaman - 8
FileNotFoundError for "Clean" data
#6 opened by harsharaman - 4
#3 opened by aolakunleabayomi - 2
#2 opened by aolakunleabayomi - 5
File not found error
#1 opened by Rukhmini