
Development kit for working on MegamVertice

MIT LicenseMIT

MegamVertice is an application orchestrator with no fuss. Yes truly, you can run it on premise or try out our via our partners.

This wiki is intended for the development teams to contribute to us.

If you wish to contribute email us at: info@megam.io


Jump to: First steps - Setting up a development environment - Installing from source

First steps

For external contributors here are the guidelines.

Setting up a development environment

You should have **Ubuntu 16 + ** or any Linux distro.

We develop on Ubuntu 16 / Archlinux (or) FreeBSD.

  • Git should be working your system, type git

    $ git

Installing from source

Our core project each of those have their own requirement. So refer the README in those projects to set them up.

Or, to if you need links to install

Note: to contribute, feel free to chime in our forum.megam.io.