
Help AdventureCode characters build and solve mazes using code blocks! Create a maze to share with your friends or try and solve one of theirs.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Help AdventureCode characters build and solve mazes using code blocks! Create a maze to share with your friends or try and solve one of theirs.

This repository contains two versions of my AdventureCode app that should probably be in two separate repositories, but for now they are in one.

v1.0 is written in Rails & CoffeeScript and is a barely functional proof of concept.

v2.0 is written in SWI-Prolog & CoffeeScript. This version is more functional prototype! Players can drag and drop blocks to create mazes and then solve them using code blocks.

Coming Soon

  • Functionality to save mazes.
  • Tutorial levels to teach players about code blocks.