
Experimentation with GraphQL on my blog

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Set up Node and Apollo-Server with Typescript

  • create a directory

    • mkdir MyApp && cd MyApp
  • initialize a package.json

    • yarn init -y or npm init -y
  • install typescript

    • yarn add typescript -D or npm install typescript -D
  • generate tsconfig

    • tsc --init
    • edit tsconfig to customize your src and build directories:
      "outDir": "./dist"
      "rootDir": "./app"
  • install eslint (optional)

    • yarn add eslint -D or npm install eslint -D
    • eslint --init
      • answer the questions according to preference but make sure to answer y when asked if using typescript and select node instead of browser. here's how I answered:
      ? How would you like to use ESLint? To check syntax, find problems, and enforce code style
      ? What type of modules does your project use? JavaScript modules (import/export)
      ? Which framework does your project use? None of these
      ? Does your project use TypeScript? Yes
      ? Where does your code run? Node
      ? How would you like to define a style for your project? Use a popular style guide
      ? Which style guide do you want to follow? Standard: https://github.com/standard/standard
      ? What format do you want your config file to be in? JavaScript
    • vs code extension and auto correct
    • lint task script
  • install apollo-server and graphql

    • yarn add graphql apollo-server or npm install graphql apollo-server
  • Set up appolo-server: the following code is somewhat based on the getting started example on apollo's site here

    • create a folder called app and a file in it called index.ts and add the following:
      import { ApolloServer } from 'apollo-server'
      import resolvers from './resolvers'
      import typeDefs from './types'
      const server = new ApolloServer({ resolvers, typeDefs })
      server.listen().then(({ url }) => console.log(`Server ready at ${url}. `))
    • create a file called types.ts and add:
    import { gql } from 'apollo-server'
    export default gql`
      type Post {
        title: String!
        text: String!
      type Query {
        posts: [Post!]
        Test Message.
        testMessage: String!
    • finally add a file called resolvers.ts and add:
    export default {
      Query: {
        posts: () => [{ title: 'test post', text: 'testing...' }],
        testMessage: (): string => 'Hello World!'
  • set up the dev server:

    • install ts-node-dev

      • yarn add ts-node-dev -D or npm install ts-node-dev -D

      • in your package.json add a script sections:

        "scripts": {
          "dev": "ts-node-dev --poll ./app"

        note: you may not need the --poll flag but it was required for my OS when using node v14

You should now have a server running on localhost:4000. Go to that in your browser and try out a query:

query {
  posts {

You'll notice you can autocomplete (press ctrl-space to give you initial auto-complete options).



  • write docs prisma and db and migrations (for example):
    • db command: psql -h localhost -d harbor -U benji -f ./migrations/2020-06-10-2242-add_roles_to_user.sql
    • introspect: npx prisma introspect
    • regen client: npx prisma generate