COCOS2D API diff tool
A hacked up version of
which is © Andrey Tarantsov. Distributed under the MIT license.
this version includes the ability to select a specific keypath for diffing, and the ability to diff Object.keys(json)
include the diff.js file in your project, and it will
walk the cc
object, creating a json report of known
'classes', then stringify it and write it to cc.__api__
extracting the string can be done with cc.log()
or by
calling some platform-specific routine to post to a
server, write to disk etc. the initial results of running
this this code on my machine are included as html.json
and ios.json
The raw diff (quite large)
$ ./bin/json-diff.js html.json ios.json | wc -l
The contents of cc.__api__
is a map {classname:{classinfo} ...}.
So diffing with --keys-only, we can see just the classname difference
$ ./bin/json-diff.js html.json ios.json --keys-only | wc -l
Diff for the api of cc.Sprite
$ ./bin/json-diff.js html.json ios.json --key-path Sprite | wc -l