
online shopping website inspired by Amazon.com

Build with

  • Express.js as Backend library
  • REST api as admin panel api
  • Graphql as client side api
  • Swagger as Rest api documenting tool
  • spectaql as Graphql documenting tool
  • helmet.js as security matters library
  • node-crone as background tasks library
  • nodemailer as email service
  • Twillio as SMS service
  • multer as file uploader
  • Mocha as testing framework
  • Chai as testing assertion library
  • Eslint as code analyzer
  • Next.js as Frontend library
  • redux toolkit as state manager
  • tailwind as css framework
  • Mongodb as main database
  • mongoose as orm
  • redis as caching database
  • yarn as package manager
  • Docker & Docker-Compose as production tool

API documents

  • /api-docs : REST api documentation
  • /graphql : Graphql playground
  • /graphql-doc : Graphql documentation

Link to server diagram address

Link to application address