C++/Win32/Boost Windows RAT (Remote Administration Tool) with a multiplatform Java/Spring RESTful C2 server and Go, C++/Qt5 frontends
- a7t0fwa7
- AnthonyH45
- AV1080pUSA
- Blazz3
- circlehkHong Kong
- darrenmartyn
- developer-box
- dwsyoyo
- eniac888
- FilipposM@Hackcraft-Labs
- hackersql
- hamannju
- hoangcuongflp
- horllste
- ik5:::1
- javaj0hnCharlotte, North Carolina
- khast3x
- krsh-37Tamilnadu
- lengjiboUS
- myst404
- netbiosXPentestLab
- NoThrowForwardIt
- opexxxNeedToKnow Ltd.
- rc-didier
- saberzaid
- sgfshanghai.cn
- sh4hin
- sign5Russia, Saint-Petersburg
- tRamq
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- varthdader
- vishnummvBangalore
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- YvonTParis
- zerdnem