
Improving enzyme optimum temperature prediction with resampling strategies and ensemble learning

Primary LanguagePython

TOMER Design

Investigating the effects of resampling strategies on the performance of enzyme optimum temperature prediction, and development of an improved machine-learning method (TOMER).

Results and findings are published in:

Gado, J.E., Beckham, G.T., and Payne, C.M (2020). Improving enzyme optimum temperature prediction with resampling strategies and ensemble learning.

Python scripts

  • tome_performance.py: evaluate predictive performance without resampling dataset (TOME).
  • implement_strategies.py: implement resampling strategies and evaluate performance (slow, using a single processor).
  • template.py: template script for evaluating performance with each hyperparameter combination of the resampling strategies with HPC.
  • implement_strategies_hpc.py: submit Python scripts (hpc/*.py) for all strategies in the format of template.py as batch jobs (hpc/*.sh) to a PBS scheduler. Results are saved as pickle files (hpc/joblib_files/*.pkl). Standard output and error are written to hpc/*.out and hpc/*.err.
  • compile_results_hpc.py combine results of batch jobs (saved as pickle files) and write them to a single spreadsheet (results/*.xlsx).
  • base_regressor.py: evaluate the effect of different base learners on the performance of the Rebagg ensemble. Results are saved in results/base_regressor/*.xlsx.
  • plots.py: plot results
  • tomer_final_model.py: prepare improved model with entire dataset (2,917 proteins).


(version used in this work)

  1. Python (3.6.6)
  2. Numpy (1.14.2)
  3. Pandas (0.24.1)
  4. Scikit-learn (0.21.2)
  5. Joblib (0.13.2)
  6. Resreg