Behat 3 Mink Extension PageObjects WebAPIContext
From Behat repo root folder run following commands:-
- composer install (install composer first, of course :))
- npm install -g phantomjs (or brew install phantomjs)
- wget
Before running behat to test the feature files in features directory, ensure the following commands are executed :-
- java -jar selenium-server-standalone-[version].jar
To run tests (open another terminal window):-
- bin/behat features
Second test runs using Guzzle (for API), the rest using Firefox
- phantomjs --webdriver=4444
- bin/behat -p phantomjs features
- apt-get install parallel
- java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.43.1.jar --role hub
- find features -iname '*.feature'| parallel --gnu -j5 --group bin/behat --ansi {}
Using saucelabs service, you can run tests against most OS/browser combinations and mobile platforms too.
I added an example profile for IE8, as example. To run it, first run sauceconnect config:-
- bin/sauce_config saucelabs_user_id saucelabs_api_key
Now try running the tests ....
- bin/behat -p saucelabs_ie8 features/
If you want to use saucelabs service against a localhost url, or any url behind a firewall, then follow these steps (assuming linux):
- sudo wget
- sudo tar -xvf sc-4.3.8-linux.tar.gz
- cd sc-4.3.8-linux
- bin/sc -u saucelabs_user_id -k saucelabs_api_key
As well as a html style report, there is a graphical report-based version using Twig. These are generated in the "reports" folder. Below is example of the Twig report output.