
A framework for evaluating models on integrative brain measurements

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status Documentation Status


brainscore standardizes the interface between neuroscience metrics and the data they operate on. Brain recordings (termed "assemblies", e.g. neural or behavioral) are packaged in a standard format. This allows metrics (e.g. neural predictivity, RDMs) to operate on many assemblies without having to be re-written. Together with http://github.com/brain-score/candidate_models, brainscore allows scoring candidate models of the brain on a range of assemblies and metrics.

Quick setup

Recommended for most users. Use Brain-Score as a library. You will need Python >= 3.6 and pip >= 18.1.

pip install git+https://github.com/brain-score/brain-score

To contribute to Brain-Score, please send in a pull request.

Basic Usage

import brainscore
data = brainscore.get_assembly("dicarlo.MajajHong2015")
> <xarray.NeuronRecordingAssembly 'dicarlo.MajajHong2015' (neuroid: 296, presentation: 268800, time_bin: 1)>
> array([[[ 0.060929],
>         [-0.686162],
>         ...,
> Coordinates:
>   * neuroid          (neuroid) MultiIndex
>   - neuroid_id       (neuroid) object 'Chabo_L_M_5_9' 'Chabo_L_M_6_9' ...
>   ...

from brainscore.metrics.rdm import RDM
metric = RDM()
score = metric(assembly1=data, assembly2=data)
> Score(aggregation: 2)>
> array([1., 0.])
> Coordinates:
>   * aggregation    'center' 'error'

Some steps may take minutes because data has to be downloaded during first-time use.

For more details, see the documentation.

Environment Variables

Variable Description
RESULTCACHING_HOME directory to cache results (benchmark ceilings) in, ~/.result_caching by default (see https://github.com/mschrimpf/result_caching)


MIT license


`ValueError: did not find HDF5 headers` during netcdf4 installation pip seems to fail properly setting up the HDF5_DIR required by netcdf4. Use conda: `conda install netcdf4`
repeated runs of a benchmark / model do not change the outcome even though code was changed results (scores, activations) are cached on disk using https://github.com/mschrimpf/result_caching. Delete the corresponding file or directory to clear the cache.

##CI environment Add CI related build commands to test_setup.sh. The script is executed in CI environment for unittests.