
Simple drop-in passwordless authentication API

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


PwdLess is a free, open-source authentication server that allows you to register/login users without a password. It is designed to be very simple and lightweight, so you can get up and running in about five minutes. This is achieved by sending a "magic link" containing a nonce, possibly in the form of a URL. Once the user opens the link (or manually types the nonce into your app), a JWT is generated for the user, authenticating their identity. PwdLess operates without a database (cache only) and only requires simple configuration to run. This makes it platform-agnostic so you can easily integrate it into any tech-stack.

Getting Started

Getting started with PwdLess is easy:

  1. Download a PwdLess release for your OS of choice

if you don't find a build for your OS, consider building from source

  1. Add configuration to an appsettings.json file

  2. Run PwdLess & test it to see if it works

Basic process

Here's an overview of how you can use PwdLess to authenticate a user (this is very similar to OAuth2 grants):

  1. Users provide their email address & are sent a nonce

A user provides their email address to your website (ie. JS client). In turn, it makes an API call to PwdLess's /auth/sendNonce?identifier=USER_EMAIL. This will cause PwdLess to send the email a nonce. The email server settings are easily configurable.

  1. The user opens the nonce URL or enters the nonce into your app

Once your website receives the nonce the user received (by letting the user enter it manually or through query strings), you will begin requesting a JWT for the user. To do this, your website makes an API call to PwdLess's /auth/nonceToToken?nonce=SUPPLIED_NONCE. PwdLess will then respond with a signed JWT containing the user's email address.

  1. You use the JWT to authenticate the user into your APIs

Since it is not possible to change the contents of a signed JWT (given that you validate it in your APIs), you can now be certain of the user's identity & proceed by including the JWT in the authorization header of all subsequent requests made by your website.


  • Can I use this with NodeJs, Django, RoR, Suave, Laravel, or any non-C# web framework?

Absolutely! PwdLess is built to be platform-agnostic so you can use it with any language, framework, database, or operating system you want. You won't have to worry about maintaining any C# code since PwdLess is obtained as an executable that you just run to start a server; interacting with PwdLess internals is not necessary for customizing it since it is fully configurable through environment variables or an external file.

  • What if a user's email is compromised?

Email is a single point of failure for almost all authentication systems, including the traditional email-password systems. This is because of password reset functionality in which an attacker can just reset your password by having access to your email. In fact, by using PwdLess you are eliminating a point of failure (passwords)!

  • How come no database is used?

PwdLess only authenticates users, with the end goal of providing them an access token that proves who they are. Once the access token has been issued, your client should make the necessary API calls to your database API solution (ie. if new user, store the user and prompt for extra details, else retrieve user data). This means PwdLess doesn't need to interact with any database & you're free to use any solution you want.

  • Can I use other logins (Facebook, Twitter, GitHub, Email/Password, etc.) alongside PwdLess?

Yes! PwdLess is fully independent of the rest of your tech stack, so using other login schemes should require 0 modification to PwdLess.

HTTP Endpoints

PwdLess exposes the following HTTP API:

Arguments could be sent in a GET query string (as shown below), or as POST body values. Note that "token" refers to the generated JWT.

  • GET /auth/sendNonce?identifier=[IDENTIFIER] where [IDENTIFIER] is the user's email

    • creates a nonce/token pair, stores it in cache, and sends the nonce to [IDENTIFIER]
    • responds 200 once email has been sent
    • responds 400 on any failure (wrong email server settings, etc.)
  • GET /auth/nonceToToken?nonce=[NONCE] where [NONCE] is the nonce to exchange for a token

    • searches cache for a token associated with given nonce
    • responds 200 with the JWT (plaintext) if token found
    • responds 404 with if the token wasn't found (ie. expired)
    • responds 400 on other failures
  • GET /auth/validateToken with header: Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN] where [TOKEN] is a token to decode & validate

    • this is an optional feature where you can authorize into PwdLess with a token to decode & validate it
      • validates signing key, issuer, audience, and expiry
    • responds 200 with the token's claims in JSON if the token is valid
    • responds 401 if token is invalid in any way
    • responds 400 on other failures


The configuration should be present in the same directory as PwdLess, in appsettings.json. This tells PwdLess about everything it needs to know to start working.

A sample file appsettings.SAMPLE.json is provided as an example (be sure to remove the ".SAMPLE" before building or running the server). The sample file also contains working logging & rate limiting configuration.

A description of each configuration item:

  "PwdLess": {
    "Nonce": {
      "Expiry": `int: the number of minutes to pass before a nonce expires`,
      "Length": `int: the maximum length of a nonce (cutoff at 36)`
    "Jwt": {
      "SecretKey": `string: the key used to sign the JWTs to prevent it from being tampered, should only be present here and in your API for JWT validation`,
      "Issuer": `string: "iss" claim in generated JWTs`,
      "Expiry": `string: "exp" claim in generated JWTs, leave empty for 30 days`,
      "Audience": `string: "aud" claim in generated JWTs`
    "EmailAuth": {
      "From": `string: email address to send emails from`,
      "Server": `string: SMTP mail server address`,
      "Port": `int: mail server port`,
      "SSL": `bool: should ssl/tls be used for email server?`,
      "Username": `string: email username`,
      "Password": `string: email password`
    "EmailContents": {
      "Subject": `string: the subject of sent emails`,
      "Body": `string: the body of sent emails, you add here a string "{{nonce}}" that will be replaced by the nonce once the email is sent, see wiki entry on nonces in emails`,
      "BodyType":  `string: type of message body (ie. "plain" for plaintext and "htm" for HTML)`
    "Callbacks": {
      "BeforeSendingNonce": `optional, string: a URL that will be POSTed to before sending the nonce, see ##Callbacks`,
      "BeforeSendingToken": `optional, string: a URL that will be GETed to before sending the token, see ##Callbacks`

This configuration could also be provided in the form of environment variables, where nesting is acheived by using colons (ie. "EmailContents:Subject").

To change the url/port at which the server runs (default of http://localhost:5000), supply a command line argument of --url (ie. --url http://localhost:9538)

Rate limiting

PwdLess uses the AspNetCoreRateLimit package for IP-based rate limiting. Rate limiting is important to prevent users from spamming emails. Rate limiting is also configurable from appsettings.json: refer to the official AspNetCoreRateLimit documentation on how to do that.


PwdLess provides an optional (leave empty to opt-out) "Callbacks" feature. These are essentially URLs that will be queried at different stages before continuing with the authentication process. Currently there are two Callbacks (see configuration):

  • BeforeSendingNonce: a URL that will be POSTed to before sending the nonce to the user's identifier (email). The request will include a JSON object containing the user's identifier. If an unsuccessful reponse is received, the nonce will not be sent to the user and an error will be shown instead. This is useful if you want to limit the identifiers that could be used with your app.

  • BeforeSendingToken: a URL that will be POSTed to before sending the token to the user as a response. The request will include an authorization header (following the Bearer scheme) with the token (with an empty body). If an unsuccessful reponse is received, the token will not be sent to the user and an error will be shown instead. This is useful if you want to assign a user an Id if they don't exists in your database, etc.


Building from source

This project is built on top of ASP.NET Core, which supports a variety of operating systems. Follow this guide for more information: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/articles/core/deploying/.

There's also a simple build script: src/PwdLess.Auth/BUILD.cmd. Running this will create builds in src/PwdLess.Auth/bin/release/netcoreapp1.0/ for various operating systems. Editing the build script to add/remove OSes is trivial, just refer to the Runtime Identifier Catalogue.

Design goals

PwdLess is designed to maximise ease of use and convenience for both the developers and the users (even at the cost of not having more advanced features). With this in mind this, here are some of the rough aspects of PwdLess:

  • Stateless - no database: PwdLess should preferably operate only with caches; this means PwdLess will not handle generating & storing refresh tokens (such functionality should be manually implemented if needed, or just use long-lived access tokens).
  • Platform-agnostic: PwdLess should not care about the rest of your tech stack, should only be an independent server functioning like a microservice
  • OS-agnostic: PwdLess should work on any OS supported by .NET Core (ie. no OS-specific code).
  • It should not be necessary to edit PwdLess source code: all necessary configuration should be present outside the code (ie. in appsettings.json)
  • Advanced customization, however, should not be added to configuration: advanced configuration to customise non-PwdLess aspects such as JOSE-JWT & MailKit should preferably not be customisable through configuration, instead, editing source code would be the preferred way

License, Contributions, & Support

This project is licensed under the permissive open source MIT license. Feel free to contribute to this project in any way, any contributions are highly appreciated.