
Tutorial app for testing grpc-web serverside streaming

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

gRPC-Web Streaming example

Combining information from these sources:

gRPC dataflow

gRPC Streaming Types

Types of gRPC Streaming

gRPC Implementations

This repository holds the following gRPC example implementations for the GreeterService described in greeter-service.proto:

Folder Description
server GO gRPC Server implementation
server.net .Net Core gRPC Server implementation
client Vanilla JavaScript gRPC-Web client
client-angular Angular gRPC-Web client

Generate Code

Each separate implementation in the repository has its own proto-gen.sh file (except server.net that does this though the .sln file)

# Server
cd server;
# Client
cd client
npm install
# Angular Client
cd client-angular
npm install

Start the system

Server GO

cd server
go run main.go

Server .NET

cd server.net
dotnet run --project grpcWeb

gRPC-Web Proxy

Run a proxy to support gRPC and gRPC-Web between server and client

npm install -g @grpc-web/proxy
npx @grpc-web/proxy --target --listen 8080

Angular Client

cd client-angular
npm install
ng serve

Vanilla JavaScript Client

cd client
# May be needed
export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider
npm install
npx webpack client.js

Run the client in a webserver

python3 -m http.server 8081 &

Nice to know commands


fg %1

bg %1

kill %1

See the Result

Visit localhost:8081 and watch the console (Chrome: F12).

Proxy and NATS

Envoy is included in the docker-compose file togheter with NATS in this example

You can run the grpc-web development proxy with an npx command, or run Envoy as a proper proxy. Envoy can get into trouble, so using the npx command with grpc-web/proxy is preferred :)

Start the Environment

docker-compose up -d

Manual Proxy start just for reference

1. grpc-web/proxy
npx @grpc-web/proxy --target --listen 8080
2. Envoy
docker run --rm -d -v "$(pwd)"/envoy.yaml:/etc/envoy/envoy.yaml:ro -p 8080:8080 -p 9901:9901 envoyproxy/envoy:v1.22.0

Publish NATS Messages

nats pub foo.bar.heartbeat --count=10 --sleep 500ms "publication #{{Count}} @ {{TimeStamp}}"

nats pub foo.bar.timeseries --count=10 --sleep 500ms "publication #{{Count}} @ {{TimeStamp}}"