
CLI tool used to get music samples across the internet.

Primary LanguageRust


Hi there :D! As a musician and ML Engineer, I have been interested in using AI to help augment my music production process. One aspect of my music production process is sound design around percussion and using audio signal processing techniques to get the specific drum sound that I want. However, this process can be a little tedious, and oftentimes I end up making sounds with similar timbranal qualities, transients, etc. I began to think: What if I could build a model that could generate novel percussion sounds for me? In order to start the modeling process, I need a system to pull down some music samples. Enter chimecho!

Chimecho is a CLI program written in Rust that pulls music samples that were posted on the Drumkits subreddit. This works by pulling down all of the posts based on a specified query via the PushShift API; routing traffic to the link within the post to Dropbox, Google Drive, and Mediafire; and then downloading the files from these storage options. From here, the program will then uncompress the files, store the metadata in a Postgres DB, and then uploads the uncompressed data to a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket.

How to get started

In order to run chimecho, the following needs to be in place:

  1. You will need to have Rust and cargo installed on your system (TODO: will be creating a binary for all platforms).
  2. You will need to have 7z, rar, gsutil, docker-compose installed on your system.
  3. You will need to set an environment variable for GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS in your .bashrc, or .zshrc in order to access the Google Drive API and the Google Cloud Bucket you would like to use.
  4. You will need to set a DATABASE_URL that will be used to connect to the Postgres DB for the metadata store.

How to run the program

First, clone this repo. Then navigate to the docker subfolder and run docker-compose up in a separate terminal. This will start the Postgres DB instance.

Note: Please update the password, username, path for the volume, and name of the DB to reflect your DATABASE_URL within the docker/docker-compose.yml file. They are currently set to test as placeholders.

Once the DB is up and running, execute the create table statements in the sql/create_tables.sql script. Once that is done, you may go ahead and run the program. There are 2 subcommands for chimecho: download and upload.


The download subcommand is used to get the compressed music files and stores it locally on your machine.

    chimecho download [OPTIONS] --file-path <FILE_PATH>

    -f, --file-path <FILE_PATH>        File path folder for the music data to live in
    -h, --help                         Print help information
    -q, --q <Q>                        Optional query string for Reddit API. Can get more info here:
    -s, --step-size <STEP_SIZE>        Number of steps to iterate over posts list
    -t, --time-period <TIME_PERIOD>    Optional time period. Specified using UTC or day format.
                                       Example: --time-period "after=7d" Example:
    chimecho download [OPTIONS] --file-path <FILE_PATH>


cargo run -- download --file-path data/ --time-period "after=1586604030&before=1605097230"


The upload subcommand is used to upload the uncompressed music files, stores the metadata for each file, and uploads to GCS

    chimecho upload --file-path <FILE_PATH> --bucket <BUCKET>

    -b, --bucket <BUCKET>          bucket name for google cloud storage upload
    -f, --file-path <FILE_PATH>    File path folder that contains zip and rar files
    -h, --help                     Print help information


cargo run -- upload --file-path data/ --bucket chimecho_bucket


In order to run tests please use this command: cargo test

Formatting the code on the project can be executed via: cargo fmt

For linting purposes I make use of clippy. The installation instructions can be found here: cargo clippy