
📚 Jagaad Academy mini-course: Creating a Dashboard from scratch using Web Technologies.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

📚 Web Mini-Course: Creating a Dashboard

🏢 Published by: Jagaad Academy

This mini-course present how to create a application dashboard from scratch using Web Technologies. Even those who are not familiar with HTML / CSS / JavaScript, but understand basic programming concepts will be able to reproduce the steps shown in this mini-course. And, with a little more time, you can use the techniques presented to create your own application dashboard.

Figma project: https://www.figma.com/community/file/1088379718602038121

end result


The mini-course starts by presenting how to set up the environment (on Macos). Then, it goes through understanding the idea of a web page, HTML / CSS / JavaScript basics, and creating a simple component using HTML / CSS. Finally, we'll move everything to JavaScript land that will allow us to be more dynamic and use all language functionalitties.

  • Intro
  • Environment Setup
    • Node / NPM / NPX
    • VS Code
  • Creating a first page
    • Using simple index.html
    • Starting a local server
  • Basics of HTML / CSS / JavaScript
    • HTML Elements structure
    • CSS rules structure
    • Simple browser APIs
  • JavaScript variables
    • Strings
    • Numbers
    • Booleans
    • Arrays (set, get)
    • Objects (set, get)
    • No values
    • Operators
  • JavaScript Loops
    • for
    • for in
    • for of
    • while
  • JavaScript Conditionals
    • if / else
    • switch
  • JavaScript Functions
    • Argument Destructuring
  • JavaScript Array functions
  • JavaScript Modules
  • Figma Design
    • Chose Dashboard
    • Design Slicing
    • CSS Normalize
    • Prepare font
    • Add global colors
  • Creating Dashboard
    • Middle
      • Big Card
      • Small Card
    • Right
      • Square Card
      • Week Chart


Tools installed at the beginning of the mini-course:

Starting the local dev server

npx browser-sync --files "**"

After development server is started you will be able to view each module in part under this URLs:

Source code

You can find in this repository the code created in the mini-course:


Links for the main contents presented during the mini-course:

Check out the Web Developers Network containing more details about each of the functionalities.