
MPD AudioScrobbler written in C++ using libcurl

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

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mpdas is a MPD AudioScrobbler client
supporting the 2.0 protocol specs.

It is written in C++ and uses libmpd
to retrieve the song data from MPD and
libcurl to post it to Last.fm


NOTE: There is a manpage available as well:
man mpdas

To configure mpdas, simply create a file called 
.mpdasrc in your home directory or in
$PREFIX/mpdasrc. To change $PREFIX, modify the

Syntax is easy. Example:

username = lastfmuser
password = 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99

Whereas password is your Last.FM password hashed
with MD5.

Configuration options:

username:		Last.FM username
password:		Last.FM password (MD5 hashed)
host:			MPD Host
mpdpassword:		MPD Password
port:			MPD Port
runas:			Change the user mpdas runs as
debug:			Print debug information


- Sets now-playing status
- Scrobbling (obviously)
- Caching
- Config files
- User switching


Also checkout LICENSE


IRC: hrkfdn / irc.freenode.net
Jabber: henrik@affekt.org
WWW: http://www.50hz.ws
