Software overview

On Windows, install below software

  1. Java 1.8.0_241 (Spring-boot-2.2.5)
  2. Maven - 3.6.2
  3. Terraform_0.12.21_windows_amd64
  4. Jenkins
  5. Ansible - use to configure any software installations
  6. PostgreSQL - only if you need to test on local machine
  7. AWS CLI - to configure the credentials
  8. AWS - Elasticbeanstalk

Design documentation

Usage [* Only dev environment will work end to end, please select dev from jenkins jobs]

  1. How to run it with Jenkins Pipelines ?


    and setup the jenkins jobs as described in that documentation.

    1. Jenkinsfile.buildSpringBoot - Build the spring boot applications, with spring profiles
    2. Jenkinsfile.createOrDestroyInfra - This will call terraform scripts to create or destroy infrastructure in AWS
    3. Jenkinsfile deploySpringBoot - Create a Jenkins freestyle job with Jenkins Plugin AWS ElasticBeanstalk.
  2. Terraform (Infrastructure As Code)

    cd dev

    terraform init

    terraform plan

    terraform apply

  3. Spring boot application Rest API

    On Local machine, build with

    mvn clean install -Pdev -DskipTests=true

    GET - http://localhost:5000/timeStamps

    GET - http://localhost:5000/timeStamps/1

    POST - http://localhost:5000/timeStamps

    DELETE - http://localhost:5000/timeStamps/1

  4. AWS

    1. Edit the below file on local machine username/.aws/credentials




    1. Make sure vf.keypair.pem and exists at C://assignment

AWS Costs

Use free tier where possible
Here, NAT gateways incur costs so please destory the infrastructure once done or comment that code in

Configure Deployment Environments

1. dev
    Configure spring boot profiles with ../resources/
    Terraform modules - cd ../terraform/dev 
    Jenkins - Select dev as environment option
2. test 
    Configure spring boot profiles with ../resources/
    Terraform modules - cd ../terraform/test
    Jenkins - Select test as environment option
3. prod 
    Configure spring boot profiles with ../resources/
    Terraform modules - cd ../terraform/prod
    Jenkins - Select prod as environment option