
This Advanced Keylogger is much more than a Keylogger. This keylogger includes more features other than just keylogging. This program is capable of Recording Keystrokes, Takes Screensnaps, Records Audio, Cracks System Configurations, Records data copied in Clipboard, Sends all the above data via E-mail.

Primary LanguagePython

This Advanced Keylogger is much more than a Keylogger. This keylogger includes more features other than just keylogging. This program is capable of : --> Records Keystrokes, --> Takes Screensnaps, --> Records Audio, --> Cracks System Configurations, --> Records data copied in Clipboard, --> Sends all the above data via E-mail

All this data can be kept safe using Encryption and also be accessed by Decrypting them.

  • How to use this program? --> First, use the GenerateKey.py program to generate the encryption key. This encryption will be saved in the encryption_key.txt text file. Copy that encryption key and paste it into KeyLogger.py file. It must be pasted on the correct place only.

--> In the same program (KeyLogger.py), add the trajectory for all the files to be created and saved(all the output files will be created in this directory). Also, add the email address and its password to recieve all the files via e-mail.

--> Now, use the same encryption key in DecryptFile.py to decrypt all the files and read what was typed and all other activities took place in the device.

*Note: The email id, password, Encryption Key must be added in the program as a string, otherwise this will not work and can create error.

*Disclaimer: This project is created for learning and security purposes only. Illegal uses of such programs can lead to Cyber Offenses and could lead to fines, imprisonment, or both. *As per Information Technology Act, 2000.