npm install eterbase
This project is designed to help you make your own projects that interact with the Eterbase API in node.js. Eterbase is Europe's Premier Digital Asset Exchange, the first compliant cryptocurrency exchange in Europe with crypto to fiat banking. Sign up to Eterbase here.
( async () => {
const eterbase = require( "eterbase" );
// Load credentials from json: (accountId, key and secret)
await eterbase.auth( "options.json" );
console.log( await eterbase.balances() );
// Or authenticate manually:
await eterbase.auth( accountId, key, secret );
console.log( await eterbase.balance( "BTC" ) );
} )();
// Get all actively trading symbols:
console.log( await eterbase.symbols() );
// Get price of all assets:
console.log( await eterbase.tickers() );
// Get price of a specific asset:
console.log( await eterbase.ticker( "XBASE-EUR" ) );
// Get all market IDs, asset precision, minimum orders and allowed order types:
console.log( await );
// Get total balances:
console.log( await eterbase.balances() );
// Market buy:
console.log( await eterbase.marketBuy( {
symbol: "XBASE-ETH",
cost: "0.006"
} ) );
// Limit buy:
console.log( await eterbase.limitBuy( {
symbol: "XBASE-ETH",
amount: 320,
price: 0.00002333
} ) );
// Market sell:
console.log( await eterbase.marketSell( {
symbol: "ETH-BTC",
amount: 0.01
} ) );
// Check open orders:
console.log( await eterbase.openOrders( { symbol: "XBASE-ETH" } ) );
// Get a list of all trades (fills)
console.log( await eterbase.orderFills( { symbol: "XBASE-ETH" } ) );
// Market depth
console.log( await eterbase.orderBook( { symbol: "XBASE-EUR" } ) );
// Download OHLC candlestick information:
console.log( await eterbase.ohlcv( {
symbol: "ETH-BTC",
interval: 1440,
start: 1560000000000,
end: 1568322090000
} ) );
await eterbase.connect();
// Stream orderbook - snapshot is the current state of the order book and update messages is what is actually streamed
eterbase.orderBookStream( "XBASE-ETH",
message => {
console.log( "orderBook snapshot: " + message )
message => {
console.log( "orderBook update: " + message )
} );
// Stream OHLCV - every new tick triggers the callback
eterbase.ohlcvStream( "XBASE-ETH",
message => {
console.log( "ohlcvStream: " + message )
} );
// Stream trades - every incoming trade triggers the callback
eterbase.tradeHistoryStream( "XBASE-ETH",
message => {
console.log( "tradeHistory: " + message );
} );
// Stream of new orders
eterbase.myOrdersStream( "XBASE-ETH",
message => {
console.log( "myOrders: " + message );
} );
Automatically 'throw' errors to reveal more information:
process.on( 'unhandledRejection', up => { throw up } );