
Primary LanguagePHP

IP Management

This is a simple IP Management project.

View demo here

Email: jaggy@humans.ph Password: password


To set it up locally, you must have the following installed:

  • PHP 8.1 or higher
  • Node 20 or higher
  • MySQL 8

Quick Setup

If you have everything installed, you can run a setup script to get the project set up in your machine.

sh scripts/setup.sh

If you're using Valet or Herd, you can visit the project via [project-name].test. You can also start a server by running php artisan serve.


1. Create your database

mysql -uroot -e "create database ip_management if not exists";

2. Configure your .env

Copy the .env.example file to .env.

cp .env.example .env

Update the .env file with your database config.

2. Install the dependencies

composer install
npm ci

3. Build the front-end assets

npm run build

4. Set up the database.

php artisan migrate --seed

5. View the project

If you're using Valet or Herd, you can visit the project via [project-name].test.

If you not, you can start your server by running php artisan serve.

Running Tests

To run the test suite, make sure your phpunit.xml has the database configured properly.

php artisan test --parallel