Hugo image gallery generator
This tool will create a new posts directory containing a markdown file for each image in source directory allowing for an ordered slide show.
hugo-gallery <Source Path> <Destination Section> <Title>
hugo-gallery static/images/vacation-photos hawaii "Hawaii Trip"
Visit localhost:1313/hawaii
to view the content.
This would read all of the images out of the static/images/vacation-photos
directory and create a new folder named hawaii
in content/hawaii
filled with front matter markdown files. See sample below for details.
title: Hawaii Trip
date: "2014-11-12"
image_name: images/vacation-photos/IMG_003.jpg
previous_image: images/vacation-photos/IMAGE_002.jpg
next_image: images/vacation-photos/IMAGE_004.jpg
next_post_path: hawaii/IMAGE_004
previous_post_path: hawaii/IMAGE_002
Reference image_name
in the Hugo single post template
<img src="{{ .Params.image_name }}" />
- Implement test coverage to solution