Zen Flavored: An informal meditation aid

This is a practice application with creating a basic front end. It is a single page meditation timer with informal Zen focus. It has a feature to display a random Koan or quote as a focus point in meditation. The goal is to have a functional app that acts as a meditation aid with a timer which plays an audio file when it runs out and allows the user to display a random quote or Zen koan that is pulled from an array of JSON objects. All the koans are from classic Chine koan libraries. The quotes are from a variety of sources. The text is then displayed within the circle element and if it is too long, it is scrollable. There are apps like this but they typically include email signup or some other form of user friction. This was meant to be minimal intentionally.

In the future, if able I would like to change the focus from just Zen to include possibly other meditation traditions like Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism or perhaps even forms from Hindusim. This could be implemented perhaps with looped mantra tracks or perhaps guided practice meditations. Also some form of ambient background audio would be a possible feature if I come back to this to fiddle with it.

Please feel free to fork and clone this if you would like to make improvements or additions.