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Apply Seeker Backend

Welcome to the Apply Seeker Backend project! This project is built using ExpressJS ,Node.js, MongoDB, mongoose , and provides a robust backend for managing various functionalities related to an online Job Provider platform. Below you will find a detailed description of the features and capabilities of this project.


Authentication and Authorization

Two Category For Registration -:

  1. Job Seeker -:
  2. Employer -:

User Registration:

New users can register with their,Name, role, email and password.

User Login:

Registered users can log in to their accounts.

Token-Based Authentication:

Secure token-based authentication using JWT.

Role-Based Access Control:

Different access levels for Job seeker, Employer.

Password Management

Forgot Password:

Both User can reset their password if they forget it.

Password Reset:

Securely reset password using email verification.

Job Management

Create / Post Job : Category Based

Only Those Users can create the jobs which is registered as a Employer role. Employer can View all the available jobs , created jobs and he can edit and delete their jobs .

Apply For Jobs: User Role Based

Only Those Users can apply for jobs which is registered as a Job seeker role. Job seekar can View all the available jobs and apply on these jobs .

View All Jobs :

View all available Jobs with details like job title , job description, and job location.

Email Notifications

Email Sending:

Automated email notifications for user activities such as registration, password reset, and Apply for any jobs.

Mail Templates:

Predefined email templates for various user interactions.

Additional Functionalities:

Job Seeker Profile Management:

1.job seeker can view and update their profile information. 2.My Applications : He can view their applied jobs and if they wanna delete they can.

Instructor Profile Management:

  1. Employer can view and update their profile information.
  2. Instructor can view Their created Jobs, along with all available jobs.
  3. Employer can edit and delete Their created Jobs.


Auth Routes

POST /api/v1/auth/sendotp POST /api/v1/auth/signup - Register a new user POST /api/v1/auth/login


STEP-1: POST /api/v1/forgot-password - Request a password reset STEP2: POST /api/v1/resetPassword-token- Reset the token STEP3: POST /api/forgot-password (http://localhost:3000/update-password/${token}`) - Request a password reset With new Password and confirm password options.

FOR Job Seeker and Employer -:

VIEW PROFILE: GET /api/v1/profile/getuser VIEW MY Applied Jobs :GET /api/v1/application/all-applied-applications-
VIEW Profile AND EDIT PROFILE :PUT /api/v1/profile/updateProfile Profile image-: PUT /api/v1/profile/updateProfileImage Delete Account: DELETE /api/v1/profile/deleteProfile

FOR Employer-:

Job Creation Routes


CREATE -:POST /api/v1/job/create-job - Create Section of the course. UPDATE -:POST /api/v1/job/update-job DELETE -POST /api/v1/job/delete-job All Jobs-: GET /api/v1/my-jobs

For common

All Available jobs -: GET api/v1/job/all-jobs


=For any questions or feedback, please reach out to us at

Thank you for using applySeeker! We hope this project meets your needs for building a comprehensive online Jobs platform backend.