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StudyAdd Backend

Welcome to the StudyAdd Backend project! This project is built using ExpressJS ,Node.js, MongoDB, mongoose , and provides a robust backend for managing various functionalities related to an online EdTech platform. Below you will find a detailed description of the features and capabilities of this project.



Admin has only one role only he/ she creates the category in the project.

Authentication and Authorization

Two Category For Registration -:

  1. Student -:
  2. Instructor/ Teacher-:

User Registration:

New users can register with their,Name, role, email and password.

User Login:

Registered users can log in to their accounts.

Token-Based Authentication:

Secure token-based authentication using JWT.

Role-Based Access Control:

Different access levels for users, instructors, and admins.

Password Management

Forgot Password:

Users can reset their password if they forget it.

Password Reset:

Securely reset password using email verification.

Course Management

Buy Course: Category Based

Only Those Users can purchase courses which is registered as a student role. Student can select the category like programming, web devlopment and AI& ML which they wanna enroll.

Sell Course: Category Based

Instructor Can create the course in selected specified categiry which is created by the admin. Instructors can make the courses and sell their courses.

Course Listings:

View all available courses with details like price, description, and instructor information.

Email Notifications

Email Sending:

Automated email notifications for user activities such as registration, password reset, and purchase confirmations.

Mail Templates:

Predefined email templates for various user interactions.

Additional Functionalities:

Student Profile Management:

1.Student can view and update their profile information. 2.My Coures : Users can view their course and completion of courese progress. 3.View Cart: User can add the courses in a cart which they are intrusted in fucture they can buy it.

Instructor Profile Management:

1.Instructor can view and update their profile information. 2. Instructor can view Their created coures, along with status like course is published, or draft . 3. Instructor can view Their Total revenview along with the income no. of student enroll in each course , each course total earning.

Admin Dashboard:

Admins can manage Category section only.


Auth Routes

POST /api/v1/auth/sendotp POST /api/v1/auth/signup - Register a new user POST /api/login - Log in a user POST /api/v1/auth/login


STEP-1: POST /api/forgot-password - Request a password reset STEP2: POST /api/v1/profile/resetPassword-token- Reset the token STEP3: POST /api/forgot-password (http://localhost:3000/update-password/${token}`) - Request a password reset With new Password and confirm password options.

FOR CHANGING PASSWORD FROM THE PROFILE, You are already login so you can change by your profile

POST /api/v1/auth/changePassword-> By Their profile student and instructor can change their password directly.


VIEW PROFILE: GET /api/v1/profile/getUserDetails VIEW MY COURSES :GET /api/v1/auth/getEnrolledCourses- watch and eroll courses MY CART-> add courses in cart POST dashboard/cart/api/v1/auth/ VIEW SETTINGS AND EDIT PROFILE :PUT /api/v1/profile/updateProfile Profile image-: PUT /api/v1/profile/updateProfileImage Create Rating-: /api/v1/course/createRating- Give rating and review comment to the video. FOR SHOWING REVIEWS ON WEBSITE->GET /api/v1/course/getReviews SHOW AVERAGE RATING ON THE WEBSITE -: GET /api/v1/course/getReviews Course Progress: GET /api/v1/course/getReviews/updateCourseProgress Delete Account: DELETE /api/v1/profile/deleteProfile


Course Routes


CREATE -:POST /api/v1/course/addSection - Create Section of the course. UPDATE -:POST /api/v1/course/updateSection DELETE -POST /api/v1/course/deleteSection


POST api/v1/course/addSubSection - Create a Subsection inside section. POST /api/v1/course/deleteSubSection -Delete Subsection. POST /api/v1/course/updateSubSection - Update Subsection. User Routes


POST-: /api/v1/course/createCourse->CREATE THE COURSE GET- : api/v1/course/getAllCourse-> GET ALL COURSE GET: api/v1/course/getCourseDetails-> GET SINGLE COURSE POST: /api/v1/course/editCourse-> EDIT COURSE DETAILS. GET : /api/v1/course/getInstructorCourses->GET ALL THE INSTRUCTOR COURSES . POST : /api/v1/course/deleteCourse-> DELETE THE COURSEs GET /api/profile - Get user profile information PUT /api/profile - Update user profile information Instructor Dashboard -: GET /api/v1/profile/instructorDashboard

Admin Routes

POST: /api/v1/course/createCategory-> CREATE CATEGORY. GET: /api/v1/course/getCategoryPageDetails-> GET ALL CATEGORY AND THEIR COURSES. GET: /api/v1/course/getCategoryPageDetails->showAllCategory which is created by the admin.

Contributing We welcome contributions to improve this project. To contribute, follow these steps:


POST : api/v1/user/contact-> For sending email for query For any questions or feedback, please reach out to us at

Thank you for using StudyAdd! We hope this project meets your needs for building a comprehensive online EdTech platform backend.