
This is a test repo- we will create the real one later

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Project Title: Aircraft Wildlife Strikes - Which bird is most dangerous for aircrafts 1990 - 2014?

Team Members:Selom Kwadzo, Molly Sullivan, Jag Singh, Alyssa Kunau
Project Desc:We’ll study 14 years of FAA data on aircraft wildlife strikes

Research Questions:

  1. Which bird is most dangerous for aircrafts 1990 - 2014?
  2. Which month of the year has most crashes 1990 - 2014? (2015 only has partial year of data)
  3. Which airport or geographic area is more likely to crash?
  4. Bird strikes that are increasing or decreasing over time?

Additional questions if we have time:

  1. Which phase of the flight reports the most bird strikes?
  2. Which type of aircraft reports the most strikes?
  3. Where is the aircraft most likely to get damages during a crash? (Pie chart possibly)
  4. Find airport data to use to compare w/Q4 results (i.e. are airports just getting busier and more flights=more birds hit)

Datasets: FAA 1990-2015 data found on Kaggle
The dataset contains a record of each reported wildlife strike of a military, commercial, or civil aircraft between 1990 and 2015. Each row contains the incident date, aircraft operator, aircraft make and model, engine make and model, airport name and location, species name and quantity, and aircraft damage.