
World countries datamaps component for Angular

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


World countries datamaps component for Angular.

npm version


This package does not depend on 3rd parties' maps

Version v4 of this package does NOT depend on Google GeoCharts but uses its own embedded map.

If you want to use v3 (which depends on Google GeoCharts), please check ReadMe v3.

Table of contents


npm install --save countries-map


Import CountriesMapModule in your app.module.ts:

import { CountriesMapModule } from 'countries-map';

  imports: [
export class AppModule { }

In your templates, use the <countries-map> component like this:

<countries-map [data]="mapData"/>

and in the corresponding .ts file:

import { CountriesData } from 'countries-map';
public mapData: CountriesData = {
  'ES': { 'value': 416 },
  'GB': { 'value': 94 },
  'FR': { 'value': 255 }


Typing the data input with CountriesData is not mandatory but it is highly recommendable because it will help you correctly define the object to pass to <countries-map>'s [data] attribute.


Element <countries-map> accepts the following attributes/inputs:

Attribute Type Default Description
data CountriesData Required Describes list of countries and their value and extra data (if any). See below description for interface CountriesData.
countryLabel string 'Country' Caption label for country name.
valueLabel string 'Value' Caption label for country's value.
showCaption boolean true Shows/hides caption.
captionBelow boolean true Places caption below or above the map.
minValue number Optional If stated, sets the base to be used as lowest value expected in the color scale (values below minValue will have same color).
maxValue number Optional If stated, sets the base to be used as highest value expected in the color scale (values above maxValue will have same color).
minColor string 'white' Hex or named color representing the lowest value.
maxColor string 'red' Hex or named color representing the highest value.
noDataColor string '#CFCFCF' Hex or named color for countries not included in data list.
exceptionColor string '#FFEE58' Hex or named color for countries with value null or undefined.
backgroundColor string 'white' Hex or named color of the map background.

Interface CountriesData

This interface is a convenience for describing the object to be passed to data attribute.

The list should look like this:

mapData: CountriesData = {
  'ES': { 'value': 416 },
  'GB': { 'value': 94, 'extra': { 'foo': 'bar' } },
  'FR': { 'value': 255, 'extra': { 'baz': 41 } }

Actual implementation:

interface CountriesData {
  [countryCode: string]: CountryData;
interface CountryData {
  value: number;
  extra?: CountryExtraData;
interface CountryExtraData {
  [key: string]: number |string;


Element <countries-map> accepts callbacks for the following events:


The chartReady event is fired when a chart is completely loaded.

Bind the chartReady event in the countries-map component like this:

<countries-map [data]="mapData" (chartReady)="ready()"/>

Your ready() function receives no parameters. You can use it like:

public ready() {
  // your logic


The chartError event is fired if there are some errors with a chart.

Bind the chartError event in the countries-map component, like this:

<countries-map [data]="mapData" (chartError)="error($event)"/>

Your error() function is passed an event which interface looks like this:

interface ChartErrorEvent {
  id: string | CharErrorCode;
  message: string;
  detailedMessage: string;
  options: Object;

You can import the ChartErrorEvent interface and CharErrorCode enum in your .ts file:

import { ChartErrorEvent, CharErrorCode } from 'countries-map';

and then use it like:

public error(event: ChartErrorEvent) {
  if (event.id === CharErrorCode.loading) {
    // error was produced during loading
  // your logic

See more details about [returned values for error event][google-charts-error-event].


The chartSelect event is fired when a chart is selected/clicked.

Bind the chartSelect event in the countries-map component, like this:

<countries-map [data]="mapData" (chartSelect)="select($event)"/>

Your select() function is passed an event whose interface looks like this:

interface ChartSelectEvent {
  selected: boolean;
  value: number | null;
  country: string;
  extra?: CountryExtraData;

You can import the ChartSelectEvent interface in your .ts file:

import { ChartSelectEvent } from 'countries-map';

and then use it like:

public select(event: ChartSelectEvent) {
  // your logic


You can apply styles to most of the countries-map caption area (if you decide to show it) and map container so that you can integrate your countries-map in your site's look&feel.

These are the classes you can apply styles to, hierarchically displayed, and associated to their wrappers:

  • cm-map-content: world map
  • cm-caption-container: full caption area
    • cm-simple-caption: main caption section (countryLabel/valueLabel area)
      • cm-country-label: countryLabel keyword or country name (whichever is shown)
        • cm-defaut-label: countryLabel keyword
        • cm-country-name: country name
      • cm-value-label: valueLabel keyword or value label, plus actual value
        • cm-value-text: valueLabel keyword or value label (whichever is shown)
        • cm-value-content: actual value for the current country
    • cm-extended-caption: area for the extra items
      • cm-extended-item: each of the single extra items (made of key and value)
        • cm-extended-label: key of the single extra item
        • cm-extended-value: value of the single extra item


Current valid country codes are widely-recognized sovereign nations plus some other autonomous realms. Check the currently valid list at @jagomf/countrieslist.


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