Simple library for defining and evaluating B-splines analytically. Companion package to BSplinesQuasi.jl.
We first define a knot set (using rationals such that polynomial integrals/derivatives will be exact).
using AnalyticBSplines
using BSplinesQuasi # For knot-sets
t = LinearKnotSet(3, 0:1//2:2)
LinearKnotSet{Rational{Int64}} of order k=3 on [0//1,2//1] (4 intervals)
We then generate the basis
B = gen_basis(t)
6-element Array{PPoly{Rational{Int64}},1}: Piecewise polynomial{Rational{Int64}} Poly(1//1 - 4//1*x + 4//1*x^2) on Interval[0//1,1//2] Piecewise polynomial{Rational{Int64}} Poly(4//1*x - 6//1*x^2) on Interval[0//1,1//2] Poly(2//1 - 4//1*x + 2//1*x^2) on Interval[1//2,1//1] Piecewise polynomial{Rational{Int64}} Poly(2//1*x^2) on Interval[0//1,1//2] Poly(-3//2 + 6//1*x - 4//1*x^2) on Interval[1//2,1//1] Poly(9//2 - 6//1*x + 2//1*x^2) on Interval[1//1,3//2] Piecewise polynomial{Rational{Int64}} Poly(1//2 - 2//1*x + 2//1*x^2) on Interval[1//2,1//1] Poly(-11//2 + 10//1*x - 4//1*x^2) on Interval[1//1,3//2] Poly(8//1 - 8//1*x + 2//1*x^2) on Interval[3//2,2//1] Piecewise polynomial{Rational{Int64}} Poly(2//1 - 4//1*x + 2//1*x^2) on Interval[1//1,3//2] Poly(-16//1 + 20//1*x - 6//1*x^2) on Interval[3//2,2//1] Piecewise polynomial{Rational{Int64}} Poly(9//1 - 12//1*x + 4//1*x^2) on Interval[3//2,2//1]
We can then easily generate the overlap matrix (or any other polynomial scalar operator):
scalar_op(B, t)
6×6 Array{Rational{Int64},2}: 1//10 7//120 1//120 0//1 0//1 0//1 7//120 1//6 5//48 1//240 0//1 0//1 1//120 5//48 11//40 13//120 1//240 0//1 0//1 1//240 13//120 11//40 5//48 1//120 0//1 0//1 1//240 5//48 1//6 7//120 0//1 0//1 0//1 1//120 7//120 1//10
derop(B, t, 1)
6×6 Array{Any,2}: -1//2 5//12 1//12 0 0 0 -5//12 0//1 3//8 1//24 0 0 -1//12 -3//8 0//1 5//12 1//24 0 0 -1//24 -5//12 0//1 3//8 1//12 0 0 -1//24 -3//8 0//1 5//12 0 0 0 -1//12 -5//12 1//2
derop(B, t, 2)
6×6 Array{Any,2}: 4//3 -2//1 2//3 0 0 0 2//1 -8//3 1//3 1//3 0 0 2//3 1//3 -2//1 2//3 1//3 0 0 1//3 2//3 -2//1 1//3 2//3 0 0 1//3 1//3 -8//3 2//1 0 0 0 2//3 -2//1 4//3
Note that the second-derivative operator is not symmetric towards the end-points of the grid; it will only be so if
Bᵢ(b)Bⱼ′(b) - Bᵢ(a)Bᵢ′(a) - Bᵢ′(b)Bⱼ(b) + Bᵢ′(a)Bⱼ(a) = 0,
where [a,b]
are the end-points. These boundary conditions can be
satisfied by e.g. removing the first and last BSpline (this amounts
to Dirichlet0 conditions). We can accomplish this thusly:
B′ = gen_basis(t, 0, 0)
derop(B′, t, 2)
6×6 Array{Any,2}: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -8//3 1//3 1//3 0 0 0 1//3 -2//1 2//3 1//3 0 0 1//3 2//3 -2//1 1//3 0 0 0 1//3 1//3 -8//3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Finally, the k:th derivative operator of a basis of order k, is zero:
derop(B, t, 3)
6×6 Array{Any,2}: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0