Developed by Jagreet Das Gupta
Author : V0!D
Copyright : V!$(3R4
Version : 2.4
Python - -version 2.7.3 (Windows/Linux)
- Selenium
- Matplotlib-1.2.1
- Networkx-1.8.1
- Numpy-1.7.1
- Pygraphviz-1.1
- Simplejson-3.3.0
- Mechanize-0.2.5
- Other: gephi-0.8.2-beta (Graphs software)
- Use setuptools for the dependencies
- Working on Windows 7 64/32 bits
- Working on Kali Linux and probably on other Linux Distros too(Not yet Tested on all distros)
- python
Set variable path handling according to OS; should work on either Windows, Mac or Linux systems.
Tested on Windows 7, Kali Linux, Debian 7 (Wheezy).