
XQuery Scripts to convert a MediaWiki to DocBook and PDF. Used to generate @BaseXdb documentation

Primary LanguageXQuery

Convert BaseX Wiki to DocBook and PDF

An install script puts the required dependencies in place. Execute basex install.xq to download and extract what is necessary. For customization consult xq/config.xqm if desired. E.g. the temporary directory or the table of contents shall be changed.

Conversion of BaseX documentation from the wiki on the web to a DocBook and PDF document is invoked by basex makedocu.bxs.

The conversion is done in 12 steps, as described in meta/wiki2doc.pdf. Only articles linked from Table of Contents named page appear in the output in the same order (see xq/config.xqm).

If the software was run once, another invocation will update all files. Images are kept and contents of pages update.

Step 5 and 11 make use of external programs. Those have 1024 MB memory assigned.

Files in Project

├── .basex                              BaseX config
├── basex.svg                           BaseX Logo
├── basex-wiki.log                      log file (ignored in git)
├── data                                database folder (ignored in git)
├── docbook-xsl                         docbook stylesheets, see Dependencies
├── docbook.xsl                         includes styles, some customisations
├── fop                                 see dependencies
├── herold                              see dependencies
├── install.xq                          installs all dependencies
├── makedocu.bxs                        basex command script to generate the documentation
├── meta
│   ├── master-docbook.xml.pdf          pdf sample
│   ├── wiki2docbook.key                program workflow raw
│   └── wiki2docbook.pdf                program workflow
├── README.md                           this file
├── tmp                                 temp directory (ignored in git)
└── xq
    ├── 00-get-pages-list.xq
    ├── 01-get-wiki-pages.xq
    ├── 02-modify-page-content.xq
    ├── 03-extract-images.xq
    ├── 04-toc-to-docbook-master.xq
    ├── 05-conv2docbooks.xq
    ├── 06-db-add-docbook.xq
    ├── 07-care-for-link-ids.xq
    ├── 08-care-for-linkends.xq
    ├── 09-modify-docbooks.xq
    ├── 10-generate-all-in-one-docbook.xq
    ├── 11-make-pdf.xq
    ├── config.xqm                      project configuration
    ├── export.bxs                      exports database to tmp
    ├── links-to-nowhere.xq             for analysis: check for deadlinks in docbook
    └── list-missing-articles.xq        for analysis: existing articles that won't appear in the docbook


All dependencies (except BaseX) can be installed using the XQuery install script install.xq.



  • docbook.xsl: alignment in table of contents of final pdf
  • syntax highlighting
  • incremental updating using metadata (i.e. only load changed articles on second run)
  • styling
    • add some colour
  • break longlonglong lines
  • break br-tags -- deleted at present
  • special chars, i.e. ⌘ is replaced by #
  • implement authentication to API (neccessary if more than 500 articles available)