
Flutter and sqflite example for Jaguar query

Primary LanguageDart

sqflite Jaguar ORM example

Showcases how to use Jaguar ORM, Jaguar Query and sqflite in your Flutter apps.

Run the individual examples as follows:

$ flutter run lib/basic/main.dart

$ flutter run lib/one_to_one/main.dart

$ flutter run lib/auto_increment/main.dart

$ flutter run lib/one_to_many/main.dart

$ flutter run lib/many_to_many/main.dart

Running the basic example should show the following result:

I/flutter ( 5464): Jaguar ORM showcase:
I/flutter ( 5464): --------------
I/flutter ( 5464): Connecting ... successful!
I/flutter ( 5464): --------------
I/flutter ( 5464): Creating table ... successful!
I/flutter ( 5464): --------------
I/flutter ( 5464): Removing old rows (if any) ... successful!
I/flutter ( 5464): --------------
I/flutter ( 5464): Inserting sample rows ...
I/flutter ( 5464): Inserted successfully row with id: 1!
I/flutter ( 5464): Inserted successfully row with id: 2!
I/flutter ( 5464): --------------
I/flutter ( 5464): Reading row with id 1 ...
I/flutter ( 5464): Post(id: 1, message: Coffee? read: false, at: 2018-07-05 19:05:35.845037)
I/flutter ( 5464): --------------
I/flutter ( 5464): Reading all rows ...
I/flutter ( 5464): Post(id: 1, message: Coffee? read: false, at: 2018-07-05 19:05:35.845037)
I/flutter ( 5464): Post(id: 2, message: Sure! read: true, at: 2018-07-05 19:05:35.882620)
I/flutter ( 5464): --------------
I/flutter ( 5464): Updating a column in row with id 1 ... successful!
I/flutter ( 5464): --------------
I/flutter ( 5464): Reading row with 1 to check the update ...
I/flutter ( 5464): Post(id: 1, message: Coffee? read: true, at: 2018-07-05 19:05:35.845037)
I/flutter ( 5464): --------------
I/flutter ( 5464): Removing row with id 1 ...
I/flutter ( 5464): --------------
I/flutter ( 5464): Reading all rows ...
I/flutter ( 5464): Post(id: 2, message: Sure! read: true, at: 2018-07-05 19:05:35.882620)
I/flutter ( 5464): --------------
I/flutter ( 5464): Removing all rows ...
I/flutter ( 5464): --------------
I/flutter ( 5464): Closing the connection ... successful!
I/flutter ( 5464): ------