
How can I generate the code?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I can't run pub run build_runner build on Flutter projects, how can generate the code?

Did you find the solution?

Yep, sorry, It was just add flutter packages pub ...

I am having the same issue. I got this error at first :"Could not find a file named "pubspec.yaml" in "C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\Pub\Cache\hosted\\built_value-6.5.0"."
Once I added the "flutter packages" to the "pub run build_runner build" command the error went away. But no code was generated. This the content of my class:
class SystemSettings {


@PrimaryKey(auto: true)
int _id;

@column(isNullable: true)
int _setup_stage;

@column(isNullable: true)
String _facebook_info;

@column(isNullable: true)
String _twitter_info;
The bean code is not being generated.

It was a typo