Blog App

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Welcome to blog app


This is a simple blog app. Basic feature of a blog app are included here. Feel free to use it and clone the code if it help you.


1. User can see all the “Posts”

  • Load the first 10 posts as the page loads
  • Add a “load more” button, which if clicked, load 10 more posts

2. As a user, on users profile profile, user can -

  • See my own posts
  • Have the option to update the posts
  • Have the option to delete the posts
  • Assuming user id 2 as current user

3. As a user user can add a new post with “Post title” and “Description”

4. As a user I want to see post details with respective comments along with the post on a separate page.

5. As a user user can see all the other users listed in a table. (No plugin used for table)

  • Shown the columns - “Name”, “Email”, “Website”
  • Option to sort columns with name, email. (ASC, DSC)
  • Option to search users from table name, email, website. User can search with single key or with any combination of the keys.
  • If user reload the page then show the list according to the state (filter/sort/pagination/page size) before the reload
  • Clicking on a user’s name will take me to the corresponding user profile page where the details for that user will be shown as well as his/her all posts.

How to Run

  1. Git clone.
  2. yarn install / npm install (to install required packages).
  3. yarn start / npm start (to run the project)

Used Technologies

  1. ReactJS
  2. Bootstrap
  3. Firebase (For hosting)

Third part packages

  1. React icons(for icons)
  2. React Toastify (for floating notifications)
  3. Axios (for http requests)
  4. React Router Dom (for routing)

Essential Links

Blog App Live preview: Github repository :