Live Link: digital-cow-hut

Application Routes:


  • api/v1/users/signup (POST)
  • api/v1/users (GET)
  • api/v1/users/648f1f162394a71f82b7fb59 (Single GET) Include an id that is saved in your database
  • api/v1/users/648f1f162394a71f82b7fb59(PATCH)
  • api/v1/users/648f1f162394a71f82b7fb59(DELETE) Include an id that is saved in your database


  • api/v1/cows (POST)
  • api/v1/cows (GET)
  • api/v1/cows/6177a5b87d32123f08d2f5d4 (Single GET) Include an id that is saved in your database
  • api/v1/cows/6177a5b87d32123f08d2f5d4 (PATCH)
  • api/v1/cows/6177a5b87d32123f08d2f5d4 (DELETE) Include an id that is saved in your database

Pagination and Filtering routes of Cows (query params are case insensitive)

  • api/v1/cows?page=1&limit=10
  • api/v1/cows?sortBy=price&sortOrder=asc
  • api/v1/cows?SortBy=price&SortOrder=asc
  • api/v1/cows?minPrice=20000&maxPrice=70000
  • api/v1/cows?location=Chattogram
  • api/v1/cows?searchTerm=Cha


  • api/v1/orders (POST)
  • api/v1/orders (GET)
  • api/v1/orders/648f20d2cf3746f1ec2a9437 (GET) Include an id that is saved in your database