

How to run the application

  1. Clone the application from git

    git clone
  2. Install the dependencies nodejs version 18 recommended

    npm install


  3. run the server

    npm run dev


    yarn dev

How it's work:

  1. if solar parameter is high (>4), in the upper position showing the Sun, when solar is medium (>1) showing the sun behind a cloud, when the solar is very low (<=1>) or zero show only the cloud.
  2. If the home value is greater than 3, it's showing red home. When the home value is less or equal to 3, it's showing a green home.
  3. When batt_perc is greater than 19%, it's showing a green battery. When the batt_perc is less than 19%, it's showing a red battery.
  4. Here is an arrow sign beside the battery that showing downward direction when batt > 0 and when batt is less or equal to 0 it's showing upward direction
  5. When the grid value in greater than -4 and less than 8 it showing a blue grid. Otherwise it showing a red grid.
  6. If the grid value is negative an arrow showing pointing towards the grid. Otherwise showing an arrow pointing outside of the grid.
  7. if powerwall_connection_status is 0, it showing a red cross on the Web Page graphics and a big text “DATA NON AVAILABLE” is shwoing.
  8. Date and time showing on the top of the webpage.
  9. The webpage is getting refreshed every 7 seconds.

Update (11/23/2023)

  1. Home, battery, arrow and grid are converted to svg icons as I need 5 different color for different values.
  2. The values of each component are showing at the top of each component
  3. Now for home, battery and grid I am showing 5 different colors for different range of values. For example for batt value,
    • 0 - 19 showing #F00000
    • 20 - 39 showing #EE6300
    • 40 - 59 showing #EE8B00
    • 60 - 79 showing #006FEE
    • 80 - 100 showing #53BD15

showing same color code for other values depending on specific range