Java implementation of the openCTM Mesh compression file format

Primary LanguageJavaGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

JOpenCTM Build Status

Java implementation of the OpenCTM file-format. This library is licensed under the LGPL 3.0 License.


Getting Started


Compression Formats


Raw binary dump of the vertex data. The format does not apply any compression, but piping the output stream through e.g. gzip gives quite an improvement


"Lossless" mesh compression. Not completly lossless, because the vertex and index odering is lost/changed.


Lossy mesh encoding. Precision values are provided for the attributes which represent a maximum agreeable error in the data.

The Mesh Pojo

A mesh in the OpenCTM format supports the following data per vertex:

  • one 4D position vector
  • one 3D optional normal vector
  • N 2D texture coordinates
  • N 4D custom vertex attribute vectors

The mesh also contains an triangle index list (three consecutive indicies form a triangle of the mesh).

    float[] vertices = {...};
    float[] normals = {...} // or 'null' of not existing;
    int[] indices = {...};
    //provide an empty array if the mesh has no texture coordinates, same goes for the custom attributes
    AttributeData[] texcoordinates = new AttributeData[0];
    //each custom attribute defines an own precision value for the MG2 encoder
    AttributeData[] attributes = {new AttributeData("attribute name", "material name", STANDARD_PRECISION, new float[]{...})};
    Mesh mesh = new Mesh(vertices, normals, indices, texcoordinates, attributes);
    //you should always check the integrity of the model before encoding
    //report errors with checked exception
    //return a list of errors

Take a look at all the properties which are checked.


Reading a OpenCTM file

    InputStream in = new FileInputStream(...);
    CtmFileReader reader = new CtmFileReader(in);
    //read a CTM file into memory without checking any mesh properties
    Mesh mesh = reader.decodeWithoutValidation();
    //read a CTM file while checking some propeties, i.e. indicies point to valid verticies, count of normals is equal to vertex count
    Mesh validMesh = reader.decode();

Writing a OpenCTM file

    OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(...);
    MeshEncoder rawEncoder = new RawEncoder();
    MeshEncoder mg1Encoder = new MG1Encoder();
    //MG2 is an lossy encoding. The precision values define the maximum error of the vertex attributes
    MeshEncoder mg2Encoder = new MG2Encoder(VERTEX_PRECISION, NORMAL_PRECISION);
    CtmFileWriter writer = new CtmFileWriter(out, rawEncoder);
    //the compression factor is only used by the two MG encoders and ignored by the raw encoder
    CtmFileWriter compressedWriter = new CtmFileWriter(out, mg2Encoder, lzmaCompressionFactor /*1-9, 5 gives already nearly the best compression*/);
    Mesh teapot = ...;
    writer.encode(teapot, "Written by my awesome App!");

Tools and Integrations

  • OpenCTM C++ reference implementation provides tools like a model viewer and a commandline converter from and to OpenCTM from common 3D model formats
  • OpenCTM Validator a simple commandline tool to validate and inspect a OpenCTM file

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