
Flutter package for creating awesome animations.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

🎬 Simple Animations ❷

Awesome Flutter Pub

Simple Animations is a powerful framework to create beautiful custom animations in no time.

  • 💪 fully tested
  • 📝 well documented
  • 💼 enterprise-ready

🌞 Highlights

  • Easily create custom animations in stateless widgets
  • Animate multiple properties at once
  • Create staggered animations within seconds
  • Simplified working with AnimationController instances
  • Designed with type-safety in mind

⛏️ Getting started

Add the dependency simple_animations: ^2.X.X (find recent version) to your project and start using it:

import 'package:simple_animations/simple_animations.dart';

🛈 If are upgrading from version 1.x.x read the migration guide.

🍱 Modules

Simple Animations constists of multiple modules that are provided by this Flutter package. You can also use them separately.


Module Description
🚀 Stateless Animation Widgets for super simple creating custom animations.
🎭 MultiTween Animate multiple properties at once or create staggered animations.
🎥 Anicoto Setup managed AnimationControllers instantly.

Click on a module name to read it's documentation and to see examples.

🛈 Note: These examples uses supercharged for syntactic sugar.

🚀 Stateless Animation

Stateless Animation provides your app with a powerful set of Flutter widgets that hide the most complex part of creating animations.

Example: Square with a animated, fading background color.

PlayAnimation<Color>( // <-- specify type of animated variable
  tween: Colors.red.tweenTo(Colors.blue), // <-- define tween of colors
  builder: (context, child, value) { // <-- builder function
    return Container(
        color: value, // <-- use animated value
        width: 100, 
        height: 100

Read more about it or watch examples.

🎭 MultiTween

MultiTween gives is mighty tool thats enables you to tween multiple properties in a single Animatable or designing staggered animations.

Example: Custom tween with multiple properties.

enum AniProps { width, height, color } // <-- define properties

class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {

  final _tween = MultiTween<AniProps>() // <-- design tween
    ..add(AniProps.width, 0.0.tweenTo(400.0), 1000.milliseconds)
    ..add(AniProps.width, 400.0.tweenTo(300.0), 1000.milliseconds)
    ..add(AniProps.height, 500.0.tweenTo(200.0), 2000.milliseconds)
    ..add(AniProps.color, Colors.red.tweenTo(Colors.blue), 2.seconds);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return ... // <-- use tween

Read more about it or watch examples.

🎥 Anicoto

Anicoto fully manages your AnimationController instances and handles initialization, configuration and disposing. No more boilerplate code.

Example: Animated stateful widget with full-fledged AnimationController instance.

class _MyAnimatedWidgetState extends State<MyAnimatedWidget>
    with AnimationMixin {  // <-- add AnimationMixin to state class

  Animation<double> size; // <-- declare animation variable

  void initState() {
    size = 0.0.tweenTo(200.0).animatedBy(controller); // <-- connect tween and controller and apply to animation variable
    controller.play(); // <-- start the animation playback

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container(
      width: size.value, // <-- use animation variable's value here 
      height: size.value, // <-- use animation variable's value here
      color: Colors.red

Read more about it or watch examples.

👓 Project overview

Module Tests Repository Pub
Stateful Animation Tests Github Pub
MultiTween Tests Github Pub
Anicoto Tests Github Pub

📈 Improve

Simple Animations will improve in future updates. Help me by reporting bugs, submit new ideas for features or anything else that you want to share.

  • Just write an issue on GitHub. ✏️
  • And don't forget to hit the like button for this package ✌️