Event Calendar

The Event Calendar WordPress plugin simplifies event management on your website. Easily create, edit, and display events with customizable details, providing valuable insights into your event schedule.


  1. Upload the Plugin Files:

    • Upload the entire events-calendar-plugin directory to your WordPress plugins directory (/wp-content/plugins/).
  2. Activate the Plugin:

    • Navigate to the "Plugins" menu within your WordPress dashboard, locate "Event Calendar," and click "Activate."


Custom Post Type: Events

  • The plugin adds a custom post type called "Events" to your WordPress site.
  • You can create and manage events just like any other post type.

Event Calendar

  • The plugin provides an event calendar where you can view all events.
  • You can access the event calendar from the "Events" menu in your WordPress dashboard.

Single Events

  • Click on any event in the calendar to view its details.
  • The single event view displays all the information associated with the event, including the event date.

Custom Event Date Column

  • The plugin adds a custom "Event Date" column to the events list in the WordPress admin.
  • This column displays the date of each event, allowing you to quickly see when each event is scheduled.


  • Use the [event_calendar] shortcode to display the event calendar with all events within your content.
  • Example: Add [event_calendar] to any post or page to embed the event calendar.


Admin Calendar

Admin Calendar Screenshot

Frontend Calendar

Frontend Calendar Screenshot

Additional Information

Admin Styles

  • The plugin includes custom styles for the admin event calendar page.

Public Styles

  • The plugin also includes styles for the public-facing event calendar.


Version 1.0

  • Initial release of the Event Calendar plugin.


This plugin is licensed under the GPL2 license. Learn More