Post View Count

The Post View Count WordPress plugin efficiently tracks and displays post views, providing valuable insights into your content's popularity.


  1. Upload the Plugin Files: Upload the entire post-view-count directory to your WordPress plugins directory (/wp-content/plugins/).
  2. Activate the Plugin: Navigate to the "Plugins" menu within your WordPress dashboard, locate "Post View Count," and click "Activate."


  • Shortcode: Use the [post_view_count id="" title="" subtitle=""] shortcode to display post view counts within your content. Here's how you can customize it:
    • id: (Optional) Specify a specific post ID to display views for a different post. Leave it blank to show the current post's views.
    • title: (Optional) Customize the text before the view count.
    • subtitle: (Optional) Set custom text displayed after the view count.
  • Gutenberg Block: Search for "Post View Count" within the Gutenberg block editor and add it to your post/page as needed.

Key Functionalities:

  • Intuitive Admin Panel: A dedicated settings page ("Post View Count") allows you to configure display options and customize text labels for a seamless user experience.
  • Versatile Shortcode: The [post_view_count id="" title="" subtitle=""] shortcode empowers you to effortlessly insert post view counts anywhere within your content, enhancing visual appeal and user engagement.
  • Gutenberg Block Integration: Leverage the intuitive Gutenberg block editor to seamlessly integrate post view counts into your posts and pages.
  • Enhanced Post Table: Streamline your workflow with a visually informative "Views" column readily displayed in the WordPress post table, providing a quick overview of each post's performance.

File Structure and Breakdown

  • assets: Contains assets for both the admin and public-facing parts of the plugin.
    • admin: Assets for the plugin's admin interface.
    • public: Assets for the public-facing parts of the plugin.
  • blocks/build: Houses assets related to Gutenberg blocks.
  • includes: Essential files and classes for the plugin's functionality.
    • classes: Contains class files necessary for the plugin.
      • pvc-functions.php: Houses utility functions for the plugin.
  • languages: Directory for storing language files to support multi-language functionality.
  • lib: Contains libraries required for the proper functioning of the plugin.
  • post-view-count.php: The main plugin file.
  • uninstall.php: The file handle when the plugin is uninstalled or deleted.


We welcome contributions to enhance the functionality and usability of the Post View Count plugin. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue on GitHub.


This plugin is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. You are free to modify and distribute the plugin as per the terms of this license.


For any inquiries or assistance regarding the plugin, please reach out to us via GitHub Issues.


We would like to extend our gratitude to all contributors who have helped improve and maintain the Post View Count plugin.

Feel free to adjust the file as needed, adding or removing information according to your preferences.