
About the project

Frontend App.

The core focus of this part of the solution:

  • A Speedy implementation of the requirements.
  • Get the repo list.
  • Display the list of repos in an infinite scroll ( Loads more when scrolling until there is no more data ).
  • Add a Single repo page.
  • Fetch single repo data to preserve on reload and get the slug from url params.
  • There is a search which does dummy search. The orgs endpoint does not support searching through repos for an org.

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Technologies and Libraries used

The core libraries are listed here:

ESLint and prettier are set up as combined config. Formatting will run as part of linting rules.

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Getting Started


node version set to LTS
yarn package manager


  1. yarn
  2. You should have no errors after installation and that is pretty much it for installation.

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## Usage

Here will follow steps to run the project.

  • To start the application in watch mode
    yarn start
  • To lint and format the code
    yarn lint
  • To run tests
    yarn test
  • To fix linting and formatting
    yarn lint:fix

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Library Selection

  • ReactJS - The required tool for the job.
  • React-Query - Easy and straightforward data synchronization.
  • Typescript - For some added Type safety to tighten up the data contract across various segments of the app. Also aids in catching bugs that you might have missed.
  • Prettier - Formats the code.
  • ESLint - Enforce som standards and rules. Basic configuration.
  • ESLint - Do not let unwanted things slip through.

Start Command yarn start (Refer to the usage section)


Given more time I would Implement the following.

  • Add a better Error Page.
  • Test all the things that can end should be tested.
  • Add storybook here and import ui-kit stories.
  • Add custom error handling for Client side and Api errors.
  • Add the support for internationalisation react-intl.
  • Add some custom test renderers to wrap components with providers.
  • Add pre-flight step github action for test, lint etc.
  • Depending on production setup I would containerise this application to quickly scale it.
  • Mock useQuery and push coverage higher.
  • Implement path aliases for module imports.
  • Gather coverage and add badges Coveralls etc.
  • If there should be more routes, we can lazy load them.
  • Add global notification's system for toasts warnings etc.
  • Make use of Materia UI theme spacing in more places for standard spacing everywhere and or have ui-kit.
  • Any other unclear decisions can be discussed in a follow-up.

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