
These are my exercises from an Intro to Python Workshop

Jan 26/27 Eve Porcello -

\n is new line

%s - string %d - decimal %r - raw input ——example—— year = 2016 age = 31 first_name = 'Jason'

print('my name is %s' % first_name) print('It is %d. I am %d' % (year,age)) ———————— If you want to type a quote. Use a \ before it to have it escape. favorite_restaurant = “Chili\’s” ———————— in print statements, commas add spaces, plus signs do not (can’t mix string & integer) print(‘I am’,first_name) —> I am Jason print(‘I am’+first_name) —> I amJason ———————— for a list, len() tells how many items are in list animals = [‘dog’,’cat’,’bear’,’kangaroo’] print(len(animals)) —> 4 ———————— #create a dictionary d = {} #create an ordered dictionary (keeps order of input) import collections d = collections.OrderedDict() #add key-value pairs to diction d['a']='A' d['b']='B' d['c']='C' d['d']='D' #print the pairs for k, v in d.items(): print(v, k)