
a node js express boilerplate with ES7 and many more with simple MVC file structure

Primary LanguageJavaScript




  1. Make sure you have these installed
  2. Clone this repository into your local machine using the terminal (mac) or Gitbash (PC) > git clone https://github.com/jahir9991/nodeEs7.git
  3. CD to the folder cd nodeEs7/node-api
  4. Run > npm install to install the project dependencies
  5. Run > npm start to start live server
  6. go to your browser and hit localhost:3000 to start live server
  7. api end point localhost:3000/api/v1
  8. user api end point localhost:3000/api/v1/users
  9. set database cradentian in libs/mysqlConnect.js like : const DBOptions = { host: 'localhost', user: 'root', password: '', database:'dokan', dialect: 'mysql' };

[***] use localhost:3000/migration for create table from model